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"Sherlock in Russia"

The premiere of the series "Sherlock in Russia" with Maxim Matveyev took place at the Moscow Film Festival

The roles were also performed by Vladimir Mishukov, Konstantin Bogomolov, Irina Starshenbaum and Pavel Maikov

MOSCOW, October 6. / TASS /. The series "Sherlock in Russia", in which the main role of the famous detective was played by Maxim Matveyev, was presented at the "October" cinema center at the 42nd Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF), a TASS correspondent reports.

Vladimir Mishukov starred in the role of the detective's partner in Russia, Dr. Kartsev. Also in the series are Konstantin Bogomolov, Irina Starshenbaum, Pavel Maikov, Evgeny Dyatlov, Konstantin Yushkevich.

As Matveyev admitted, in the beginning he was scared to play Sherlock, because all the previous interpretations of this image were heard. "But the script that I received convinced me that this story is absolutely independent, that there is a new interpretation of this image, revealing new facets of the character, but relating to the original source with great respect," he told TASS.

In the story, Sherlock Holmes is following the trail of the maniac Jack the Ripper, who has already killed several women in London. After an unsuccessful fight with the assassin, Holmes realizes that his opponent has fled to the Russian Empire. The series takes place in the era of Alexander III. Holmes rents a room from Dr. Kartsev, together with him unravels the crimes, despite the opposition of the local police.

The series is an original project of the production company of Alexander Tsekalo "Wednesday" and the studio of the START video service. The premiere of the tape on the video platform will take place on October 22. The script was written by Oleg Malovichko. He is also the author of such series and films as "Method", "Trotsky", "Ice", "Attraction". The director was Nurbek Egen ("Empty House", "Network").

Language solution

The series was filmed in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area, including in the Polovtsev mansion on Bolshaya Morskaya, where the interiors of the 19th century have been preserved. At the beginning of the first episode, the action takes place in London, in the scenes the actors speak English, and their words are dubbed into Russian. Later, when Sherlock moves to St. Petersburg, the hero demonstrates excellent knowledge of the Russian language.

According to the director, Matveyev was specially given an English accent. "Sherlock has never been to Russia. Yes, he read Russian writers, but it would be difficult to immediately speak at a high level. We took advantage of the fact that he is a child prodigy. He knows not only Russian, but 13 other languages ​​of the world," Nurbek shared Egen with TASS.

Egen emphasized that he would not like the viewer to compare his project with other interpretations of the famous image. "Unlike other Sherlocks, ours is in love. Other Sherlocks have never fallen in love. Yes, there were amorous lines, but we will have a beautiful line that will give the audience great pleasure," said the director.

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